Quick stop in TN then on to N Carolina
So..we only spent a few days in Murfreesboro, TN visiting with an old friend, BJ, and her family. Thanks to her son in law, Rey, who makes a homemade pizza crust. 🍕 We hurried on to Asheville, and skipped the Knoxville area, to meet up with Kyle. He just happened to be there visiting a friend.But on the way we drove through Kentucky. Then we stopped for lunch at Fort Defiance in Cairo, IL. (Couldn't get a "Welcome to IL" pic without getting killed on the bridge!). Fort Defiance is the spot where the confluence of the Ohio and the Mississippi exists.Pictures just don't show how wide it was! Lewis and Clark spent five days here teaching about celestial navigation and successfully obtained the first longitude and latitude data to continue their Expedition. All maps of the northern and western part of the US were made using their data. Right at the point So we spent 5 days in a beautiful downtown condo in Asheville with K...